Italy – View from the Hotel

Our hotel wasn’t in the heart of old Assisi, but had a lot of Italian charm.  The views were wonderful and teased us about the days to come.  

There was a small garden out back with statues and some great views of the hillside and valley below.  This statue seems to have seen better days.  I wonder what happened to her head.

Statue in the Garden
Statue in the Garden
Water Spout
Water Spout
Tree and Wall
Tree and Wall
Another View
Another View
Valley Below
Valley Below

We found a small shrine to St. Francis just below the garden.  One beautiful aspect of Italy in general is the number of shrines and paintings on buildings for the public to enjoy.  I’ll share more of those in another post.

Shrine to St. Francis
Shrine to St. Francis
Shrine along the Road
Shrine along the Road

There were paintings and other art inside the hotel as well.

Mike and his court
Mike and his court

This painting is similar to a sculpture we saw in Assisi that was captioned “Francesco va dal papa per avere la certezza di vivere il vangelo”, or “Francis goes to the pope to have the certainty to live the gospel.”  (Translation thanks to Google)

Painting in the hotel
Painting in the hotel

I was surprised to find this box on the floor next to the painting above.  I think we know what happened to the head of the statue outside.

So that's where her head went!
So that’s where her head went!

Art and history is everywhere!  We can’t wait to get started with more of our tour.  Stay tuned.





One thought on “Italy – View from the Hotel

  1. Mark,

    Thanks for continuing to share your photos of Italy. What is the name of your hotel near Assisi? I am planning on going to Italy next year, probably in May.

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