Another beautiful morning on the lake. As always, the turtles were lined up. I’ve had ants on a log, but never turtles on a log.

There was a tern hunting for breakfast, diving into the water and coming up empty. Here it is soaring.

It is well past the full moon, but I couldn’t help but think of Polly when i saw this from the kayak.

And at the south end of the lake, the lone loon came out of the reeds and put on a show for us. From other reports I’ve had (two different sources), there is a female on a nest back in there. (Pictures coming soon.) I look forward to the day when we the little one(s) swimming with Mom and Dad. For now, just the one.

And, to complete the set, I’ve included another shot of the water lily.

I hope you enjoy all the beauty up here as much as I do. I look forward to seeing what’s around the next bend.
Once again, great photos, Mark. I love the wild life at our lake. I kayaked the south bay again today, and it was a perfect day for paddling. I spotted Mama Loon on the nest again, but it seems rather late in the year to be starting to raise a family. What do you think? In years past when I have seen baby loon chicks, it has always been earlier than now. Earlier this year there were always two loons down there. I have not seen the second one in at least a week. Wonder where he is? Saw LOTS of turtles today and a heron that probably thought I was stalking him around our bay, but he just happened to be going the same way that I was. Yesterday I finally saw an otter down in the south bay! He was making snorting noises at me; I am guessing that he was not happy that I was down there. No pictures of him and very blurry video. Also saw an eagle perched on my way to the south bay yesterday; got some decent photos but not nearly as nice as yours.