Another Guests Post

I just had to share this wonderful image from Jane Shoup.  She took this photo of Duck Lake.  Thanks, Jane, for sharing with us.

Heron in Flight

Finally back to the lake after too long an absence.  First thing this morning we made our way to the lake to kayak.  It was…

Great Weekend at the Lake

Here it is, Memorial Day weekend.  We have waited for warm weather and the long weekend.  Well, we got both this weekend.  Sunny skies, warm…

Signs of Spring

It looks like Spring has come to Orchestra Camp Colony. Driving up on Friday afternoon the woods were spectacular with trilliums.   Although it was…

Beautiful Morning on the Lake

It has been three weeks since I’ve been up to the lake.  The colors are starting to show in the trees.  The air is cool…

Just another morning on the lake (I wish)

Its been a couple weeks since we have been up to the lake and we wanted to get out in the kayaks.  Saturday was threatening…


The end of a busy work-week.  The end of a beautiful day.  Let’s go out on the lake in the kayaks. As Rose says, “Every…

Another Guest Blog

This must be a record, three posts on the same day, so be sure to scroll all the way down to catch all of them.…

A much calmer day

I was back out in the kayak this morning.  The winds had died down and the water was flat, like a mirror.  Beautiful.  Again, I…

Another view from the kayak

Today was one of those beautiful days in northern Michigan.  Cool and dry, just a light breeze.  Its what I call Up North Weather.  Although…