Welcome Springtime, 2023

We just spent a couple days at the lake and WOW was the weather nice.  It really feels like spring.  There is no more ice in the lake and the you can hear the spring peepers.  Turn your volume up and listen to the video below.

When we arrived Monday afternoon there were no buds in the trees and there was a small patch of snow at the lake.

Bare Branches and Blue Sky
Bare Branches and Blue Sky


Last Patch of Snow at the Lake
Last Patch of Snow at the Lake

But 2 days later, the snow was gone and the maples were budding.

Branches with Buds and the Blue Sky
Branches with Buds and the Blue Sky

Temperatures were in the upper 70s, but the winds were strong from the south.  However, we did get the kayaks out Wednesday morning for a paddle along the shore.  We tried to go south of the point, but the winds were too strong there, so we headed back to the north.

First Kayak of the Season
First Kayak of the Season

We saw several birds including geese and mergansers.

Three Geese
Three Geese



The sun was beautiful.  Here is a photo of the OCC waterfront from the lake.

OCC in the Spring from the Lake
OCC in the Spring from the Lake

And a photo from the OCC boat launch.

View from Shore
View from Shore

The best news of the day was hearing the first loon of the season.  It came from the south end of the lake.  However, just as we were turning around to head back to OCC, I spied another loon.

First Loon Sighting of the Season
First Loon Sighting of the Season

I think these were two different loons, but cannot be sure.

Anyway, spring has arrived at Duck Lake, at least for a few days.  The weather forecast is for some snow by this weekend.  Well, it is April in northern Michigan.  That’s the way spring comes up here.

9 thoughts on “Welcome Springtime, 2023

  1. Great photos! Glad Spring is arriving in Northern Michigan! We think summer has arrived in South Alabama. LOL

  2. Lucky you, first kayak of the season in!! Spring is here in the Sacramento area, but still a lot of snow to melt in the Sierras.

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