Sailing into Juneau, Alaska

We arrived in Juneau about 10:00 on a sunny, hazy morning.  This fishing boat was a few miles outside Juneau.

Fishing Boat
Fishing Boat

We loved these colorful houses along the shore outside Juneau.

Painted Houses on Shore
Painted Houses on Shore
Painted Houses on Shore
Painted Houses on Shore

Here is our first view of Juneau.  Note how the mountains rise up, dwarfing the city.

First View of Juneau
First View of Juneau


Juneau Against the Mountains
Juneau Against the Mountains


Juneau and the Mountains
Juneau and the Mountains

There is a tram that takes you up 1600 feet above the city.  I’ll have more on that in another post.


We are anxious to get off the ship and begin our next excursion in Juneau.


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