Flowers vs. Weeds – Some more identifications

Thanks to Sandy for the ID of the Woodland Sunflower.  I then bought the book “Wildflowers of Michigan – Field Guide” by Stan Tekiela to ID some others.  The updated IDs are listed below each flower where available.  Again, if you have a different name, let me know.


When I walk around the dirt roads and paths near here I see lots of blooms.  Are they flowers or are they weeds?  I guess one man’s treasure is another man’s trash, but to me they are all beautiful.  Some are so small you almost miss them if you don’t look closely.  Others are so big you can’t miss them.  Here are a few that I photographed this afternoon.  I’ve tried to name those that I can, but if you know the name, or a different name, please let me know through the comments.

Unknown wildflower
Unknown wild flower – Still Unknown
Spotted Knapweed
Spotted Knapweed
Unknown wildflower
Unknown wildflower – Canada (?) Hawkweed
Queen Ann's Lace
Queen Ann’s Lace
Unknown wildflower
Unknown wildflower – Woodland Sunflower
Unknown wildflower
Unknown wildflower – Hawkweed
Black Eyes Susan
Black Eyed Susan
Aster – Flat-Topped Aster
Unknown wildflower
Unknown wildflower – Still unknown
Unknown wildflower
Unknown wildflower – Tufted Loosestrife

So, keep your eyes open and see all the beauty around us.


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