Sea Kayaking in Juneau

Our second stop was in Juneau.  Since we enjoy kayaking here at home, we decided to go sea kayaking.  There were only 8 of us on this particular trip today.  We were taken by bus to the North Douglas Launch Ramp on Fritz Cove to start our adventure.  This was not our bus.

The Wrong Bus
The Wrong Bus

This was our first view of Mendenhall Glacier from the parking lot.

Mendenhall Glacier from North Douglas Launch Ramp
Mendenhall Glacier from North Douglas Launch Ramp

Before heading out, we were provided with life jackets, rubber boots, and a kayak skirt to keep us safe and dry.  The skirt is snugged up around our waist and seals around the opening of the kayak to keep water out.  Since that prevents easy access to the inside of the kayak, I did not take my good camera on this trip, but rather used my cell phone for these pictures.  Thus the quality isn’t as good as some other photos.

Rose and I Wearing our Life Jackets and Kayak Skirts
Rose and I Wearing our Life Jackets and Kayak Skirts

This is the launch area.  The tree had washed up on shore a long time ago.  Note the snow-capped mountains to the northwest in the distance.

Tree Roots at the Launch Ramp
Tree Roots at the Launch Ramp

We were in double kayaks rather than the single kayaks we use at home.  There was a bit of a learning curve for us as we paddled toward the glacier.

Paddling Toward the Glacier
Paddling Toward the Glacier

The mountains off to the side were spectacular in the distance.

View of Mountains to the Northwest
View of Mountains to the Northwest


View of Mountains to the Northwest
View of Mountains to the Northwest

We’re getting closer to the glacier, but will still never get closer than about 10 miles away.

Mendenhall Glacier
Mendenhall Glacier

There is a bed of grassy reeds growing where the Mendenhall River enters Fritz Cove.

Paddling up to the Grassy Inlet of Mendenhall River
Paddling up to the Grassy Inlet of Mendenhall River


Paddling up to the Grassy Inlet of Mendenhall River
Paddling up to the Grassy Inlet of Mendenhall River

Back on shore, we got one last look at Mendenhall Glacier.

One Last Look Back on Shore
One Last Look Back on Shore

Juneau commissioned a life-size bronze sculpture of a breaching humpback whale to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Alaska’s statehood.  This was our only view, on the bus returning from kayaking.  For more information on the sculpture, see

Sculpture of Whale
Sculpture of Whale

So far our weather has been great.  I even got sunburned while kayaking.  There will be more from Juneau coming up.


3 thoughts on “Sea Kayaking in Juneau

  1. Did you get to see any float houses? I can’t remember where we went kayaking but our whole route was lined with interesting float houses. In fact, we launched from one. Love the pics!

    1. Thanks, Cindy. No, there were no float houses, but there were some nice houses along the shore. I can’t imagine what the cost must be to have a view of Mendenhall Glacier our your window.

  2. Amazing views!! I know, you and Rose will want your very own kayak skirts now, if only because they are so stylish. 🙂 You guys look great and ready for adventure!!

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