Alaska Day 2 – Cruising the Beautiful Inside Passage

We woke up to the sound of a fog horn from our ship. You had to look down to see anything, but wake of the ship.  There was no sky, not even a horizon.

Socked in with Fog

Socked in with FogSo, we looked at the day’s ship schedule and decided to do a “Mixology” class.  We were provided with 4 drinks made with vodka.

Jose, Our Bartender
Jose, Our Bartender


Rose at our Mixology Class
Rose at our Mixology Class


Remnants of the Mixology Class
Remnants of the Mixology Class

After our class, the weather was clearing, just a bit.  We can make out the horizon.

The Horizon
The Horizon

Eventually, the fog lifted and we could see some blue skies.

A Bit of Blue Sky
A Bit of Blue Sky

At dinner, the Captain announced that whales were spotted in front of the ship and on either side.  So, we finished our dinner and headed to the bow to check it out.

At first all we could see were spouts in the distance.

Whale Spouts
Whale Spouts


Several Whale Spouts
Several Whale Spouts

But, finally, one came close enough we could see the tail as it went back into the water.

Whale Tale
Whale Tale

We waited until sunset to see what we might see.  We weren’t disappointed with the show.

Sunset at Sea
Sunset at Sea

We even saw another cruise ship in the distance in the sunset.

Another Cruise Ship at Sunset
Another Cruise Ship at Sunset

Well, tomorrow we land in Ketchikan for our first shore excursion.


One thought on “Alaska Day 2 – Cruising the Beautiful Inside Passage

  1. Well, THATS a Whale of a Tale!!! How awesome. OK, for our next get-together, you and Rose are the bar tenders 🙂 Those sunset images are AMAZING!!! Can’t wait to see what’s next!

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