Winter Morning

It has been far too long since we’ve been up to Duck Lake.  Last time was to see some of the spectacular fall color.  Now, it is winter.  There is about 6″ of snow on the ground and it hangs on every tree.  There is a rim of ice on the quiet bays of the lake, but waves keep breaking it up further out.  These photos are from a morning walk along the edge of the lake.

Hazy Reflection
Hazy Reflection
Ice Beads
Ice Beads
Ice Cap
Ice Cap
The Last to Fall
The Last to Fall

I know winter is hard for some, but let’s try to embrace the change in seasons.  After all, isn’t that one of the many things we love about northern Michigan?


0 thoughts on “Winter Morning

  1. Love the glimpse of the start of winter on the lake. Thanks, Mark, for sharing the fruits of your morning walk! We are very grateful …

  2. Oh Mark. Simply beautiful. I love the photos you take in the colony and at the lake. I have never seen Interlochen at this time of year, except in a photo.
    If you are still there, or if you return, I wouldd love a photo of the Torno cottage and George’s cottage in the winter with snow on it.

  3. Had Thanksgiving with Barb and Ollie and Barb said she thought we should be hearing from you all! Lovely pictures but I think I will embrace 70 and sunny here. Have a great Christmas Holiday Season! Celia

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