Spring at OCC

Here it is, early May.  Last time I was here there was still 2 feet of snow on the ground.  Not any more.  The leaves are starting to come out, flowers are blooming, and today was my first kayaking on the lake for the season.    Here are some of the things I saw this morning.

The lake was like a sheet of glass with the sun shining on these trees.
The lake was like a sheet of glass with the sun shining on these trees.
Reflections of cat tails along the shore.
Reflections of cat tails along the shore.

There were also lots of birds.

Two ducks skimming the water.
Two ducks skimming the water.
A pair of swans protecting the far shore.
A pair of swans protecting the far shore.

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I’ve heard the loons, but haven’t seen them, yet.  The water level is quite high right now, so I hope the loons haven’t been washed off their nests.

I hope to see you all up here soon.


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