We took an evening kayak paddle around Duck Lake last night. As the sun was going down the lake lay down very quiet as the wind died down and the boats took to shore. It was the end of a beautiful day. So relaxing to be on the water at this time of day. Here’s a sample of the sight we saw.
I did catch a glimpse of the pair of loons. Unfortunately, there were no young loons with them.

There were lots of birds along the shore; grackles, red-winged black birds, kingfishers, downy woodpeckers, and more.

Just a short distance up Horton Creek was a great blue heron. They are so majestic standing at the edge of the water. Here are a couple views.

Then, as the sun set, we headed for shore. The sky turned shades of orange and red with the colors reflected in the water.

It was a great end to a great day. I hope that you are enjoying your Independence Day celebrations. Be safe and remember what this holiday is all about.
looks like a “bird” day 🙂 love the sunset shots. . . .
unpredictable staff at Claire’s this weekend so we stayed home.