More Eagles and a Heron

We were at the lake for the holiday weekend, but didn’t get out onto the lake until Tuesday morning.  I’m really glad we got out.  We were rewarded with not one bald eagle, but two.  And, we got very close to a great blue heron.  Here are the pics.

Just as we headed south from the OCC shore, just past the reeds, we found a young eagle high in a pine tree.

Young Bald Eagle
Young Bald Eagle


Young Bald Eagle with Ruffled Feathers
Young Bald Eagle with Ruffled Feathers

A little further down the shoreline, we came across this great blue heron sitting on a branch above the water.  We drifted closer and closer, amazed that it would sit there with us so close.

Great Blue Heron
Great Blue Heron


Great Blue Heron
Great Blue Heron


Great Blue Heron
Great Blue Heron

Then, as we got to the south end of the lake, I saw a large bird flying closer.  Turned out is was another eagle.

Bald Eagle in Flight
Bald Eagle in Flight

It landed in a pine tree along the shore and posed for photos.

Bald Eagle in Pine Tree
Bald Eagle in Pine Tree


Bald Eagle in Pine Tree
Bald Eagle in Pine Tree


Bald Eagle in Pine Tree
Bald Eagle in Pine Tree

As always, there is something interesting to see on the lake.  Certainly not disappointed today.






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