Back to Winter at the Cabin

After more than a week of unseasonably warm temperatures, winter came back this weekend.  We were able to travel north to the cabin and even got in some cross-country skiing.  Back home, there is no snow. 

So, here a few photos of the snow we found this weekend.

Icicles on the house
Icicles on the house


More icicles
More icicles


Tracks Across the Lake
Tracks Across the Lake


Grass Along the Lake
Grass Along the Lake


Snowball in the Pine Tree
Snowball in the Pine Tree


Waiting for Spring
Waiting for Spring


Lake through the Trees
Lake through the Trees


Frost on the Glass Window
Frost on the Glass Window


OCC Sign in the Snow
OCC Sign in the Snow

So, for now, winter is still in effect.  Spring will come eventually; it always does.


4 thoughts on “Back to Winter at the Cabin

    1. Thanks, Barb. We just came off a week of temps in the 60s. It was very nice to have sunny and warm in February here, but the snow is more like what it should be.

      1. These are all beautiful pics,as usual Mark.I liked the frost on the window & the Chair.!!
        I was at my son’s for the weekend near Prudenville,very little snow but very windy.!!!

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