Weeds vs. Wild Flowers

Inspired by a blossom just outside my front door, I started looking for other blossoms.  My search took me around the yard and down State Park Hwy as far as Vagabond.  All these photos were in that small area.  Some were very small, some larger, some bright colors, some plain, some were at their peak, and some well past their prime.

Just outside my front door
Just outside my front door

This is the one that started my quest.



These two were along the side of the house.









These were all along the road.  I don’t know what most of them are called.  If you know, please leave a comment with the name.  I’ll update the post with appropriate credits.

Past its prime
Past its prime

Some were not flowers at all, but still very interesting to look at and photograph.

Two crows watching me
Two crows watching me

Although a few cars drove by while I was out, these crows kept me company along most of my walk.


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